Win a Car
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Win a Car from Carlister

Win a car in the form of a $25,000 voucher from Carlister!

There will also be a weekly contest called You Share, We Repair. Share your story with and you will be entered to win up to $3,000.00 towards vehicle repairs at a participating Car Lister dealership.
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Win a Car from Carlister Details

Sweepstakes Entry URL: CarLister
Sweepstakes Rules URL: CarLister Official Rules
Entry Method: One entry per person in each Weekly Sweepstakes drawing and one entry into the monthly Contest, regardless of method of entry. One entry per person per day for the daily prize drawings. One entry per person for the grand prize drawing + bonus entries for completing various tasks and sharing up to one hundred (100) entries per person for the monthly grand prize drawing, regardless of method of entry.
End Date: February 29, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET

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  1. My car is a little 1986 toyota and while it still gets me where I am going sometimes I wonder. I would love a new(er) car in excellent condition. I am a new widow living on <$1000 a month so another car or even repairs to this one are not in my budget.

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