Win a Case of Little Debbie Snacks
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Win a Case of Little Debbie Snacks

You can enter the Free Cake Friday Giveaway from Little Debbie for your chance to win an entire case of Little Debbie snacks! You enter the giveaway daily and then every week on Friday Little Debbie chooses a new lucky winner to receive a case of tasty goodies. Each month, the Little Debbie product being given away weekly changes. Entry ends September 6, 2019.

Oh the nostalgia! Who didn’t grow up with Little Debbie treats!?! Actually, if you were born before 1960 you didn’t, since that’s when the company was started. But for most people since, Little Debbie plays a part in their childhood and beyond. I can remember my kids cramming so many Swiss Rolls in their craws that I had to lay down the law and threaten to stop buying them if they didn’t slow down.

I would always tuck a Little Debbie snack into their school lunches, which now in retrospect, probably wasn’t great for their health nor their education. I can only imagine the poor teachers having to try to tame my kids after they got hopped up on a pack of Fudge Rounds. But in the 1980’s, sending your child off with sugary drinks and snacks was just starting to be a public health issue and most of us didn’t pay too much attention to the problems it created.

On the other hand, I had to hide the Little Debbie’s in the summer when I was at work and my kids were at home, lest I return to an empty box and kids who had peaked and crashed from the tasty treats. At one point I became curious and gave a pack a try myself. I’m pretty sensitive to sugar, even a can of soda will give me a buzz,and I felt absolutely putrid from a pack of Oatmeal Creme Pies. Never again!

Little Debbie is still a favorite among the young and old alike after nearly 70 years of being in business, so they must be doing something right! If you are one of the winners of this sweepstakes, you won’t just be winning a box of treats, you’ll be winning an entire case of boxes! That’s enough sugary goodness to keep your sweet tooth satiated for months to come.

Let us know in the comments below what your favorite Little Debbie snack is!

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